Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Corporate Awards Power to Inspire

Now more than ever, is the time for businesses to think creatively about ways to incentivise the work force effectively. We all know, in the business and corporate world, that people are paid to do a good job, and so the need for extras to inspire those working for their bosses, seems a little unfair. Workers, however, are more likely to exceed their targets, and expectations, with the help of creative and inspiring incentives. This makes it an incredibly worth while exercise, to get as much as one can from their workforce. The question is how do we come up with ideas which we can use to inspire our work forces to go the extra mile, and over achieve? I have written some ideas for you to think about.

1. Corporate awards evenings can be a good excuse to throw a party for the whole work force, and reward a particular few high achievers, letting them know their efforts have been noted and that you are grateful. Awards can vary according to budgets and also the size of business and the effort being rewarded. As a company you can purchase some very good quality corporate awards and gift ware for very reasonable prices.

2. paying for the employee to enjoy meals out, or breaks away also help to inspire the work force to want to go that extra mile to win that prize. again the length of break or expense of meal can depend on the level of achievement, and also the budgets available to be spent by your company. Remember to offer the winner the chance for their partner or spouse to join them on their meal, or break. By enjoying a nice night out or weekend away, staff members will feel that the company cares enough about them, not just to reward them for their achievements, but also to offer a prize that is relaxing and enjoyable.

3. cash incentives work well in getting more from your employees, and as an impressive reward for achievement. You can make the amounts as low or high as you like. Just make sure they match the achievement you are rewarding, and that they stay within budget. The downside is that cash incentives are not that imaginative, and therefore it will seem that less thought has gone into thinking about them as a reward for breaking targets, or working over and above the call of duty. A lot of employees however, will just be happy to have some more money to spend on something they would like, and so will be grateful for the ability to be able to choose their own reward.

You obviously have to base your incentive in conjunction with the size of your business, and the value of your employees contribution. You wouldn't award a six month cruise as an award for an administration clerk, unless they did something spectacular. You would however consider such a prize for a sales person who had made considerable profits for your corporation. Common sense should prevail here. The main reason for rewarding your employees should be to encourage them to want to smash through targets and be the best, not just reach an acceptable level of work. Those who are not winners should themselves be inspired to win something the next time. If you get it right, you will not just have a hard working work force, but one that looks to be the best, and be better than just acceptable.

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